Fall flu wave tested pediatric hospitals with tough choices
... Pediatric hospitals throughout the United States have been at ground zero during both waves of the pandemic. The patients they care for are among the groups at highest risk for complications from the pandemic virus—young people with chronic health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, neuromuscular disorders, and forms of cancer.
Source: CIDRAP
Health Care Worker Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs Regarding Mandatory Influenza Vaccination
Results: Many employees (70%) thought influenza vaccination should be mandatory for health care workers who did not have a medical contraindication. Nearly everyone, 363 of 391 (94%), who favored mandatory immunization had been immunized themselves. Of those who opposed mandatory immunization, 45 of 81 (55.6%) had been immunized (P < .001). Individuals who supported mandatory policies were more likely to believe that the vaccine is safe for both children and adults. There was no significant difference between the percentages of promandate and antimandate employees who believed influenza was dangerous for the patients where they work (66.5% and 62%, respectively, P = .07). Only 29% of antimandate employees believed they were at high risk of contracting influenza, compared with 51% of promandate employees (P < .001). Conclusions: Approval of mandatory influenza vaccine policies was high; however, attitudes about the dangers of influenza for patients were not associated with acceptance of mandatory vaccination policies for health care workers. Educational efforts targeting health care workers' fears and misconceptions about influenza vaccines might help to decrease the reservoir of unimmunized health care workers. [...] Source: Archpedi Comment Parting Shots: Now There’s Too Much H1N1 Flu Vaccine
A bunch of European countries ordered too much swine flu vaccine, so after months of waiting around for the flu shots to show up, they now find themselves canceling orders.
Source: Wall Street Journal Blog
Risk Communication
Blame it on Swine Flu - Hand Sanitizers Rival Pens as Most Popular Promo Product
The Advertising Specialty Institute announced that hand sanitizers now rival pens as one of the most popular logoed items that companies are giving away to clients and employees.
Indeed, searches of the key words “hand sanitizers” by promotional products distributors via the Advertising Specialty Institute’s promotional products database jumped 439% for the period between October 2009 and October 2008. Only searches for pens - which for years have been the best-selling logoed product in the promotional products industry - were higher that period. In addition, searches for sanitizer products of all kinds jumped by triple digits this year.
Source: Yahoo News - Advertising Specialty Institute
Figures in a Nativity scene, depicting the birth of Jesus Christ, wear face masks in a shop in the H1N1-hit city of Naples, Italy on November 5, 2009. Italy has reported 26 victims of the H1N1 influenza virus have died, and 41,000 people have been vaccinated in the country by the start of November. (REUTERS/Stefano Renna/Agnfoto)
Source: Boston
"The flu will be with us for a few more months." WHO spokeswoman Fadela Chaib.
WHO chief gets H1N1 flu vaccination
Source: Reuters
News Flash
Most Healthcare Workers Support Compulsory Influenza Vaccinations
Most healthcare workers (HCWs) approve of mandatory influenza vaccines for hospital employees, and their numbers could be further boosted by giving opponents more information, according to a study released yesterday in the January 2010 issue of the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.
NEW: Fact Sheet: Safety of Thimerosal in Vaccines Against 2009 H1N1 Flu
from CDC Swine Flu Updates
CDC is aware that pregnant women, parents of young children, and others may have questions about the safety of thimerosal in vaccines against 2009 H1N1 flu. The following fact sheet provides some information to help in making decisions.
IOM issues report on impacts of pandemic
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recently published a report on the US and international impacts of the H1N1 pandemic, based on a workshop that was held in mid September and involved a committee of about 25 experts.
Flu Season: Factory Farming Could Cause A Catastrophic Pandemic
Huffington Post
I was intrigued (and disturbed) by a book I just read online -- www.BirdFluBook.org -- by Michael Greger, M.D. about the potential of a deadly flu pandemic, the likes of which we have never seen.
Detroit elementary students get free pizza for turning in H1N1 forms
Detroit News
Happy's Pizza is to provide a pizza party for students at Wilkins Elementary School on Wednesday as a reward for returning completed H1N1 vaccination forms.
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