Diarrhea may be source of flu infection, researchers say
Diarrhea in flu-infected children may harbor the virus, scientists found, pointing to a previously unrecognized source of infection.
Tests on 733 children with influenza-like illness and an upset tummy found a minority of patients had seasonal strains in their stool and live viral particles were retrieved from one case. The finding, published yesterday in the journal BioMed Central, suggests that flu may invade the gastrointestinal tract, potentially acting as a mode of transmission. The research may help explain why gastric symptoms, including diarrhea and vomiting, afflicts about one in five people with swine flu, the H1N1 strain that emerged last year and touched off the first influenza pandemic in 41 years. The study is believed to be the largest to investigate flu virus detected in the gastrointestinal tract of children with flu-like illness and diarrhea, the authors wrote.
Source: azcentral.com
Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2010/01/08/20100108diarrhea-flu-source08-ON.html
Immune response after a single vaccination against 2009 influenza A H1N1 in USA: a preliminary report of two randomised controlled phase 2 trials
[...] Findings: 410 of 423 children and 724 of 750 adults given an active vaccine, and 50 of 51 children and 95 of 99 adults given placebo were assessed for immunogenicity on day 21. After active vaccination, 45 of 101 (45%; 95% CI 35—55) to 47 of 94 (50%; 40—61) infants aged 6—35 months, 75 of 109 (69%; 59—77) to 80 of 106 (75%; 66—83) 3—9-year-old children, 134 of 141 (95%; 90—98) to 144 of 144 (100%; 98—100) of 18—64-year-old adults, and 93 of 100 (93%; 86—96) to 93 of 98 (95%; 89—98) elderly adults were seroprotected (proportion with titres ≥1:40). No vaccine-related serious adverse events occurred. Injection-site and systemic reactions were reported by up to about 50% of every age and vaccine group, with no noticeable differences between vaccine and placebo groups.
Source: Elsevier Limited
Read more: http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2809%2962026-2/abstract
Influenza A: "They Organized the Psychosis"
by: Jean-Emmanuel Ducoin
And what if financial waste were to become a scandal of state ... and of many states? By dint of retracing the trail of the anti-influenza A shots, the debate over public policies during a pandemic is being utterly transformed into a vast denunciation of the collusion between laboratories and governments. We hardly doubt that, secretly, while laying low in the shadows, lobbyists did whatever necessary to convince decision makers to buy their vaccinations in massive quantities. Did these servants of the great trusts direct, and in consequence, manipulate the conditions of purchase? The troubling facts that we are publishing [see below] contain that which should arouse our most intense scrutiny. Our questions, moreover, are now shared ... and not by just anybody! The Council of Europe's Health Commission, no less, has, in fact, just voted for an official investigation to evaluate the influence of pharmaceutical groups on governments' and even the World Health Organization's choices ...[...]
Source: http://www.truthout.org
Read more: http://www.truthout.org/109103Ducoin
Risk Communication
What the CDC Is Saying about Swine Flu Severity?
by Peter Sandman
How deadly is the pandemic so far?
What age groups is it hitting hardest?
What age groups does the government say it is hitting hardest?[...]
This update draws some inescapable tentative conclusions from the most recent (December 10) tentative estimates of U.S. pandemic flu cases, hospitalizations, and deaths provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The update also contrasts the CDC’s estimates with CDC communication about them, and with the Department of Health and Human Services’ new H1N1 vaccination campaign, “Together we can all fight the flu,” launched on December 7.
I don’t have any opinion on whether the estimates the CDC reported on December 10 are reliable, valid, and useful. But I am certain that the arithmetic I have performed on those estimates to show what they mean is solid. And I am certain that what the CDC’s estimates mean diverges significantly from what the U.S. government is telling people about the pandemic.
(Continue . . . )
Source: The Peter M. Sandman Risk Communication Website
Read More: http://www.psandman.com/col/swinecomm.htm
Source: Boston
Read more: http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2009/11/watching_the_h1n1_flu_pandemic.html
"There is a personal responsibility we share to do what we can to prevent the spread of the H1N1 influenza virus."
Source: News-Medical.net
Read more: http://www.news-medical.net/news/20100110/Highmark-joins-with-CDC-to-promote-National-Influenza-Vaccination-Week.aspx
News Flash
Why Seniors Really Should Fear Swine Flu
In the federal government's explanations of swine flu, through its Web site and public-service announcements, ...
Read more: http://www.newsweek.com/id/229947
UPDATE: 2009 H1N1 Flu International Situation Update
from CDC Swine Flu Updates
This report provides an update to the international situation as of January 8, 2010. The World Health Organization (WHO) continues to report updated 2009 H1N1 flu-associated laboratory-confirmed cases and deaths on its Web page.
Read more: http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/updates/international/
Swine flu toll reaches 12799: WHO
The Americas continues to report the biggest number of casualties with at least 6880 deaths while in Europe, at least 2554 people have died from the A(H1N1) ...
Read more: http://fwd4.me/Axi
Some immunity building up against pandemic flu: WHO
GENEVA (Reuters) - Southern hemisphere countries struck by H1N1 flu last year are now broadly protected against new infections, the World Health ...
Read more: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE5BL2ZT20100108
Disclaimer: Newsletter ini hanya merupakan kumpulan dari artikel/liputan/tulisan yang diambil dari berbagai sumber mengenai situasi terkini pandemi influenza di seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia. Namun demikian isi/ilustrasi/foto tidak mewakili kepentingan atau kebijakan KOMNAS FBPI secara langsung
1 komentar:
wah wah waaaah... flu is danger ya jaman sekarang... dulu-dulu biasa wae flu itu...
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