Insect Cells Provide the Key to Alternative Swine Flu Vaccination
Scientists in Vienna have developed a new technique for producing vaccines for H1N1 -- so-called swine flu -- based on insect cells. The research, published in the Biotechnology Journal, reveals how influenza vaccines can be produced faster than through the traditional method of egg-based production, revealing a new strategy for the fight against influenza pandemics.
Source: Science Daily
Immune response after a single vaccination against 2009 influenza A H1N1 in USA: a preliminary report of two randomised controlled phase 2 trials
Eric Plennevaux PhD a, Eric Sheldon MD b, Mark Blatter MD c, Mary-Kate Reeves-Hoché PhD d, Dr Martine Denis DVM a Background
Data are needed from large clinical trials of paediatric, adult, and elderly people to find the appropriate antigen dose and vaccination schedule for the 2009 pandemic influenza A H1N1. We therefore report preliminary safety and immunogenicity results after one injection of a licensed monovalent pandemic H1N1 vaccine in the USA. [...]
410 of 423 children and 724 of 750 adults given an active vaccine, and 50 of 51 children and 95 of 99 adults given placebo were assessed for immunogenicity on day 21. After active vaccination, 45 of 101 (45%; 95% CI 35—55) to 47 of 94 (50%; 40—61) infants aged 6—35 months, 75 of 109 (69%; 59—77) to 80 of 106 (75%; 66—83) 3—9-year-old children, 134 of 141 (95%; 90—98) to 144 of 144 (100%; 98—100) of 18—64-year-old adults, and 93 of 100 (93%; 86—96) to 93 of 98 (95%; 89—98) elderly adults were seroprotected (proportion with titres ≥1:40). No vaccine-related serious adverse events occurred. Injection-site and systemic reactions were reported by up to about 50% of every age and vaccine group, with no noticeable differences between vaccine and placebo groups. [...]
Source: The Lancet
What will happen to swine flu in 2010?
By Fergus Walsh
[...] Swine flu has not entirely gone away, and there are still patients critically ill in hospital with the complications of the virus. But it is nothing like as bad as had been feared. The latest figures from the Health Protection Agency show that cases continue to decline across the UK with the majority of infections being mild.
[...] The biggest concern would be virus mutation. But there are no tangible signs of a mutated H1N1 pandemic virus spreading in the community. So far, so reassuring - but let's wait and see what the year holds. So many people have been infected with swine flu that there is now quite a bit of herd immunity in Britain, which might itself force the virus to change its genetic make-up in order to keep circulating. [...]
Source: BBC
Risk Communication
Ads During Bowl Games Will Urge Students to Get Swine-Flu Vaccine
With the H1N1 flu continuing to pose a particular threat to young people, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is using college-football bowl games to again urge college students and other young people to get vaccinated against the influenza disease, commonly known as swine flu.
Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education
"The pillows and blankets do not pose a specific health risk, but removing them is one way that Southwest can be proactive in reducing the spread of swine flu. We would rather take precaution and ensure that our flight attendants and fellow Employees who assist tidying the aircraft do not handle these items that have also had contact from the public".
Source: Business Journal of Phoenix
News Flash
Deadly animal diseases poised to infect humans
The world is facing a growing threat from new diseases that are jumping the human-animal species barrier as a result of environmental disruption, global warming and the progressive urbanisation of the planet, scientists have warned.
FDA Warns Public of Continued Extortion Scam by FDA Impersonators
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning the public about criminals posing as FDA special agents and other law enforcement personnel as part of an international extortion scam.
Oriental Magpie Robin tested H5N1 positive in HK
HONG KONG, Jan. 4 (Xinhua) -- The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of Hong Kong said Monday that an Oriental Magpie Robin, a common resident bird in the city, found in a country park in the New Territories was confirmed H5N1 positive.
Kapuas, South Kalimantan ::: Mass chicken deaths confirmed H5N1 positive
Bird Flu Corner
Kuala Kapuas – Thousands of chickens confirmed to have died of bird flu H5N1 virus in Kabupaten Kapuas. Confirmation test to dead bird specimens, such as organ, serum and swab, was done by Veterinary Investigation and Diagnostic Center (BPPV) Regional V, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan.
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