Press Release: Anti-bird flu campaign must go on: Komnas FBPI
Indonesian bird flu coordinating agency urges that the fight against
avian influenza and pandemic response should continue even without its
The National Committee for Avian Influenza Control and Pandemic
Influenza Preparedness (Komnas FBPI) ends its mandate in March 13,
2010, as stipulated by the 2006 Presidential Regulation on the
establishment of Komnas FBPI.
Komnas FBPI insist that all Indonesians, and those who live in the
country, must remain active in curbing bird flu and responding to the
H1N1 pandemic influenza.
'The story of Komnas FBPI from 2006 to 2010 is the tale about the
dedications of government, private sector, experts, international
partners, and community members in dealing with an infectious disease.
This is the most important lesson for taking actions on any infectious
disease in the future, "said Komnas FBPI Chief Executive Bayu
On the occasion of National Coordination Meeting on the Handling of
Bird Flu and Pandemic Influenza 2006-2010, Komnas FBPI states that
Indonesia has managed to control the wide spread of H5N1 in Indonesia
and responding to pandemic influenza H1N1. Although already under
control, bird flu virus remains exist and may infect people at any
"The key is we must be able to fight the virus, live healthy and know
how to protect ourselves," he added.
Deputy Chief Executive of Emil Agustiono, adds that the strength built
by the commission would be useful to face any environmental and health
crisis in the future.
Emil explained that the current spread of emerging and reemerging
infectious diseases (EREID's) such as HIV/AIDS, SARS, nipah, rabies,
BSE, West Nile, Ebola, Rift Valley Fever, and anthrax.
"We need to maximize the capital that we have had and still manage to
be an asset to any health disaster in the future."
To support the continuation of the campaign, the national coordinating
meeting recommends that: first, the war against bird flu still needs
to be continued along with fight toward other zoonoses. Therefore,
there is a need to set up the National Committee for Zoonoses Control
(Komnas Zoonosis).
Second, all works of pandemic influenza preparedness and response,
should be taken over by the National Disaster Management Agency
And lastly, continue promoting the ideas and systematic approach to an
integrated health system, that merge human health, animal health and
environmental health by involving experts from various fields of
science, including social sciences.
National Coordination Meeting was attended by 300 representatives from
ministries and central government agencies, local governments,
international organizations, social organizations and institutions.
Komnas FBPI extends its appreciation to all experts and government
officials who have dedicated themselves in the fight against avian
influenza and pandemic influenza response; the international partners
who work together to build the capacity of response, surveillance and
early detection; the members of the media who help spread prevention
messages and in particular, to the people of Indonesia, who have taken
the initiatives to make Indonesia safer and healthier.
Tanggap Flu Burung!
Take Action Against Bird Flu, Our Hands Prevent Bird Flu!
Be Flu Wise and Flu Care!
Press Release: Perang Melawan Flu Burung Tak Boleh Berakhir: Komnas FBPI
Jakarta, 10 Maret 2010, Komnas FBPI – Di penghujung masa tugasnya, Komite Nasional Pengendalian Flu Burung dan Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapi Pandemi Influenza (Komnas FBPI) menegaskan bahwa peperangan melawan avian influenza (flu burung) dan merespon pandemi tidak boleh berakhir.
Seluruh komponen bangsa, terutama masyarakat harus tetap aktif dalam penanganan flu burung dan respon pandemi influenza, dengan atau tanpa Komnas FBPI.
”Perjalanan Komnas FBPI selama 2006-2010 adalah perjalanan semua lapisan—pemerintah, swasta, para ahli, mitra internasional, dan masyarakat—menangani penyakit menular dengan secara bersama-sama dan dimana-mana. Hal ini adalah pelajaran terpenting bagi penanganan penyakit menular apapun di masa depan,” ujar Ketua Pelaksana Harian Komnas FBPI Bayu Krisnamurthi.
Pada kesempatan Rapat Koordinasi Nasional (Rakornas) Penanganan Flu Burung dan Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapi Pandemi Influenza 2006-2010, Komnas FBPI menyatakankerjasama erat selama ini telah membuahkan hasil: terkendalinya penyebaran virus H5N1 di Indonesia dan merespon pandemi influenza H1N1. Walaupun sudah terkendali, virus flu burung tetap ada di lingkungan kita dan dapat merebak lagi sewaktu-waktu.
”Kampanye Tanggap Flu Burung sudah menyebarkan pesan pencegahan ke lebih dari 90 persen penduduk Indonesia. Maka dari itu kita harus dapat melawan virus tersebut, hidup sehat dan tahu cara melindungi diri,” tambahnya.
Dalam mandat kerja empat tahunnya, Komnas FBPI telah menjadi lembaga koordinasi yang mewadahi perdebatan, perbedaan pendekatan, serta pembangunan kapasitas semua orang dan institusi yang terjun aktif mengendalikan flu burung dan meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan menghadapi pandemi.
Wakil Ketua Pelaksana Harian Komnas FBPI Emil Agustiono menambahkan bahwa kekuatan yang dibangun Komnas adalah modal besar menghadapi krisis kesehatan dan lingkungan di masa depan.
Emil menjelaskan bahwa saat ini merebak emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases (EREID’s) seperti: HIV/AIDS, SARS, Nipah, Rabies, BSE, West Nile, Ebola, Rift Valley Fever, dan Antrax.
”Tujuh puluh persen penyakit bersumber dari hewan, bersifat lintas batas, dan umumnya berdampak luas,” tambah Emil.
”Kita perlu memaksimalkan modal yang sudah kita punya dan tetap mengelolanya agar menjadi aset bagi penanganan bencana kesehatan apapun di masa yang akan datang.”
Hasil Rakornas Komnas FBPI merekomendasikan agar: pertama, Penanganan Flu Burung tetap perlu dilanjutkan bersama dengan pengendalian zoonosis lainnya secara keseluruhan. Untuk itu, perlu dibentuk Komite Nasional Zoonosis (Komnas Zoonosis) melalui Peraturan Presiden, sebagai suatu badan yang berada di Kementerian Pertanian dengan operasionalisasi tugas tetap berkoordinasi dengan kementerian-kementerian terkait khususnya yang berada dalam koordinasi Kementerian Koordinasi Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat.
Kedua, melanjutkan tugas-tugas Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapi Pandemi Influenza, diusulkan agar tugas tersebut berada dalam tanggung jawab Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB), yang juga dalam koordinasi Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat.
Dan terakhir, perlu dipromosikan pemikiran-pemikiran dan pendekatan sistim
kesehatan terpadu diikuti langkah-langkah konkrit yang mengintegrasikan pemahaman atas saling keterkaitan antara kesehatan manusia – kesehatan hewan dan kesehatan lingkungan dengan mengikutsertakan para ahli dari berbagai bidang ilmu, termasuk ilmu sosial dan lingkungan hidup.
Rakornas dihadiri 300 orang perwakilan dari kementerian dan instansi pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah, organisasi internasional, organisasi kemasyarakatan dan lembaga.
Setelah empat tahun berdirinya Komnas FBPI yang bertugas mengkoordinasikan kegiatan pencegahan, pengendalian, dan penanggulangan flu burung (avian influenza) serta kesiapsiagaan menghadapi pandemi influenza, sesuai Peraturan Presiden No.7/2006 tentang Komnas FBPI., komite berkhir masa tugasnya pada tanggal 13 Maret 2010.
Komnas FBPI mengucapkan apresiasi yang setinggi-setingginya bagi para ahli dan aparat yang mendedikasikan dirinya dalam perjuangan melawan flu burung dan merespon pandemi influenza, kepada mitra internasional yang bekerjasama membangun kapasitas respon, surveilans dan deteksi dini, kepada media yang menyabarluaskan pesan-pesan pencegahan dan terutama sekali, kepada masyarakat Indonesia yang telah tanggap terhadap bahaya ancaman penyakit menular.
Tanggap Flu Burung! Tangan Kita Pencegah Flu Burung! dan Ambil Tindakan TEPAT (Tenang, PAhami, dan Tanggap)
Newsletter 3 Maret 2010
Spring break revelers dance at the beach in the resort city of Cancun, Mexico Monday March 1, 2010. Cancun, Mexico's spring break king, is rebounding quickly from last year's triple blow to its tourism industry caused by the country's swine flu epidemic, drug violence and a global economic crisis. (AP Photo/Israel Leal)
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New Issue
Social Stress May Enhance The Immune Response To Influenza Virus
( -- A new study using mice suggests that a repeated stressful situation that triggers the animals' natural “fight-or-flight” response may actually enhance their ability to fight disease when re-exposed to the same pathogen.
The study showed that the stressed mice had a 10-fold increase in their resistance to an influenza infection, and that this protection lasted at least up to three months after the stressful episodes.
While appearing to clash with years of findings that showed stressful situations can lower an individual’s immune response, the new work actually does not. Instead, it offers new insight into the fine balance the immune system maintains to protect against disease.
The report, carried in the current issue of the Journal of Immunology, describes new work emerging from Ohio State University’s Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research.
“Not all stress suppresses the immune system,” explained John Sheridan, professor of oral biology and associate director of the IBMR. “Some stressors actually give rise to enhanced immune responses.” […]
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Administration Of Influenza Vaccine To The Egg Allergic Child Under 36 Months
RATIONALE: To determine which population of egg allergic children (EAC) can safely receive the influenza vaccine (INF), and how to optimize testing and administration.
METHODS: A retrospective chart review from 10/2004 to 1/2009 of EAC ages 6-36 months seen in Allergy Clinic during influenza immunizationseason (10/1-2/28). EAC were identified with positive skin (ST) or RAST test to egg. EAC who did or did not receive INF or INF testing were evaluated.
Adverse events after INF were compared to a non-EAC control group of our patients given INF. We reviewed likelihood of receiving full testing (prick and intradermal (ID)), graded vaccine, or full vaccine to determine the best protocol.
RESULTS: 140 EAC were tested for INF and 53 EAC were not tested. Morbidities of asthma and anaphylaxis were no different in the 2 groups (p>.3). Likelihood of receiving ID prior to INF decreased over time from 100%-2% (p<.0001). Likelihood of receiving full INF vs graded INF increased with repeat dosing, 65%-87.5% (p<.0024).
5/140 tested EAC did not receive INF after positive STor ID to INF (3 with anaphylaxis), but 14/17 EAC with anaphylaxis received INF (2 with positive ST to flu, 9 negative, 3 not-performed). 135/140 received INF without significant complications (equivalent to non-EAC). 28/135 EAC were safely given INF without prior ST.
CONCLUSIONS: 96% of skin tested EAC safely received INF (76% ST negative, 23% ST positive); and 21% who received INF had no prior ST. 70% of all EAC received INF. EAC can safely receive INF. […]
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Everyone in U.S. should get flu vaccine: experts
By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Everyone in the United States over the age of six months should get seasonal influenza vaccines every year, federal vaccine advisers said on Wednesday.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices made the long-awaited vote to recommend virtually universal flu vaccination -- something public health experts have long recommended.
"The new recommendation seeks to remove barriers to influenza immunization and signals the importance of preventing influenza across the entire population," the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a statement.
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"If they want to base it on good evidence, they should wash their hands. I would also encourage them to write to their Congressman or Senator, asking them to put pressure on the U.S. government to run a proper trial and get an answer to whether these vaccines actually work." Tom Jefferson, epidemiologist, Cochrane Collaboration.
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News Flash
Malaysia confirms first swine flu death this year
KUALA LUMPUR — Malaysia's government has confirmed the country's first death linked to swine flu in nearly half a year.Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai says the 22-year-old woman died of respiratory...
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Mum dies of swine flu after birth of son
A young mum died from swine flu just weeks after giving birth to her son. Allison McCaffery, 26, developed flu symptoms during pregnancy which worsened following the birth of baby boy Jacob by...
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New inhaled drug protects from flu in single dose
The now-waning pandemic of H1N1 influenza sparked new interest in the development of better drugs to fight flu, which kills 250000 to 500000 people globally ...
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A/H1N1 passes peak in flu season: Health Ministry
The A/H1N1 influenza outbreak, which has killed nearly 800 people on the Chinese mainland, has passed its peak in the autumn-winter flu season, the Ministry of Health said Tuesday.
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Disclaimer: Newsletter ini hanya merupakan kumpulan dari artikel/liputan/tulisan yang diambil dari berbagai sumber mengenai situasi terkini pandemi influenza di seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia. Namun demikian isi/ilustrasi/foto tidak mewakili kepentingan atau kebijakan KOMNAS FBPI secara langsung
Newsletter 3 Maret 2010
New Issue
Social Stress May Enhance The Immune Response To Influenza Virus
( -- A new study using mice suggests that a repeated stressful situation that triggers the animals' natural “fight-or-flight” response may actually enhance their ability to fight disease when re-exposed to the same pathogen.
The study showed that the stressed mice had a 10-fold increase in their resistance to an influenza infection, and that this protection lasted at least up to three months after the stressful episodes.
While appearing to clash with years of findings that showed stressful situations can lower an individual’s immune response, the new work actually does not. Instead, it offers new insight into the fine balance the immune system maintains to protect against disease.
The report, carried in the current issue of the Journal of Immunology, describes new work emerging from Ohio State University’s Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research.
“Not all stress suppresses the immune system,” explained John Sheridan, professor of oral biology and associate director of the IBMR. “Some stressors actually give rise to enhanced immune responses.” […]
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Administration Of Influenza Vaccine To The Egg Allergic Child Under 36 Months
RATIONALE: To determine which population of egg allergic children (EAC) can safely receive the influenza vaccine (INF), and how to optimize testing and administration.
METHODS: A retrospective chart review from 10/2004 to 1/2009 of EAC ages 6-36 months seen in Allergy Clinic during influenza immunizationseason (10/1-2/28). EAC were identified with positive skin (ST) or RAST test to egg. EAC who did or did not receive INF or INF testing were evaluated.
Adverse events after INF were compared to a non-EAC control group of our patients given INF. We reviewed likelihood of receiving full testing (prick and intradermal (ID)), graded vaccine, or full vaccine to determine the best protocol.
RESULTS: 140 EAC were tested for INF and 53 EAC were not tested. Morbidities of asthma and anaphylaxis were no different in the 2 groups (p>.3). Likelihood of receiving ID prior to INF decreased over time from 100%-2% (p<.0001). Likelihood of receiving full INF vs graded INF increased with repeat dosing, 65%-87.5% (p<.0024).
5/140 tested EAC did not receive INF after positive STor ID to INF (3 with anaphylaxis), but 14/17 EAC with anaphylaxis received INF (2 with positive ST to flu, 9 negative, 3 not-performed). 135/140 received INF without significant complications (equivalent to non-EAC). 28/135 EAC were safely given INF without prior ST.
CONCLUSIONS: 96% of skin tested EAC safely received INF (76% ST negative, 23% ST positive); and 21% who received INF had no prior ST. 70% of all EAC received INF. EAC can safely receive INF. […]
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Everyone in U.S. should get flu vaccine: experts
By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Everyone in the United States over the age of six months should get seasonal influenza vaccines every year, federal vaccine advisers said on Wednesday.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices made the long-awaited vote to recommend virtually universal flu vaccination -- something public health experts have long recommended.
"The new recommendation seeks to remove barriers to influenza immunization and signals the importance of preventing influenza across the entire population," the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a statement.
Read more:
Spring break revelers dance at the beach in the resort city of Cancun, Mexico Monday March 1, 2010. Cancun, Mexico's spring break king, is rebounding quickly from last year's triple blow to its tourism industry caused by the country's swine flu epidemic, drug violence and a global economic crisis. (AP Photo/Israel Leal)
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"If they want to base it on good evidence, they should wash their hands. I would also encourage them to write to their Congressman or Senator, asking them to put pressure on the U.S. government to run a proper trial and get an answer to whether these vaccines actually work." Tom Jefferson, epidemiologist, Cochrane Collaboration.
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News Flash
Malaysia confirms first swine flu death this year
KUALA LUMPUR — Malaysia's government has confirmed the country's first death linked to swine flu in nearly half a year.Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai says the 22-year-old woman died of respiratory...
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Mum dies of swine flu after birth of son
A young mum died from swine flu just weeks after giving birth to her son. Allison McCaffery, 26, developed flu symptoms during pregnancy which worsened following the birth of baby boy Jacob by...
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New inhaled drug protects from flu in single dose
The now-waning pandemic of H1N1 influenza sparked new interest in the development of better drugs to fight flu, which kills 250000 to 500000 people globally ...
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A/H1N1 passes peak in flu season: Health Ministry
The A/H1N1 influenza outbreak, which has killed nearly 800 people on the Chinese mainland, has passed its peak in the autumn-winter flu season, the Ministry of Health said Tuesday.
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Disclaimer: Newsletter ini hanya merupakan kumpulan dari artikel/liputan/tulisan yang diambil dari berbagai sumber mengenai situasi terkini pandemi influenza di seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia. Namun demikian isi/ilustrasi/foto tidak mewakili kepentingan atau kebijakan KOMNAS FBPI secara langsung
Newsletter 3 Maret 2010
New Issue
Social Stress May Enhance The Immune Response To Influenza Virus
( -- A new study using mice suggests that a repeated stressful situation that triggers the animals' natural “fight-or-flight” response may actually enhance their ability to fight disease when re-exposed to the same pathogen.
The study showed that the stressed mice had a 10-fold increase in their resistance to an influenza infection, and that this protection lasted at least up to three months after the stressful episodes.
While appearing to clash with years of findings that showed stressful situations can lower an individual’s immune response, the new work actually does not. Instead, it offers new insight into the fine balance the immune system maintains to protect against disease.
The report, carried in the current issue of the Journal of Immunology, describes new work emerging from Ohio State University’s Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research.
“Not all stress suppresses the immune system,” explained John Sheridan, professor of oral biology and associate director of the IBMR. “Some stressors actually give rise to enhanced immune responses.” […]
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Administration Of Influenza Vaccine To The Egg Allergic Child Under 36 Months
RATIONALE: To determine which population of egg allergic children (EAC) can safely receive the influenza vaccine (INF), and how to optimize testing and administration.
METHODS: A retrospective chart review from 10/2004 to 1/2009 of EAC ages 6-36 months seen in Allergy Clinic during influenza immunizationseason (10/1-2/28). EAC were identified with positive skin (ST) or RAST test to egg. EAC who did or did not receive INF or INF testing were evaluated.
Adverse events after INF were compared to a non-EAC control group of our patients given INF. We reviewed likelihood of receiving full testing (prick and intradermal (ID)), graded vaccine, or full vaccine to determine the best protocol.
RESULTS: 140 EAC were tested for INF and 53 EAC were not tested. Morbidities of asthma and anaphylaxis were no different in the 2 groups (p>.3). Likelihood of receiving ID prior to INF decreased over time from 100%-2% (p<.0001). Likelihood of receiving full INF vs graded INF increased with repeat dosing, 65%-87.5% (p<.0024).
5/140 tested EAC did not receive INF after positive STor ID to INF (3 with anaphylaxis), but 14/17 EAC with anaphylaxis received INF (2 with positive ST to flu, 9 negative, 3 not-performed). 135/140 received INF without significant complications (equivalent to non-EAC). 28/135 EAC were safely given INF without prior ST.
CONCLUSIONS: 96% of skin tested EAC safely received INF (76% ST negative, 23% ST positive); and 21% who received INF had no prior ST. 70% of all EAC received INF. EAC can safely receive INF. […]
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Everyone in U.S. should get flu vaccine: experts
By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Everyone in the United States over the age of six months should get seasonal influenza vaccines every year, federal vaccine advisers said on Wednesday.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices made the long-awaited vote to recommend virtually universal flu vaccination -- something public health experts have long recommended.
"The new recommendation seeks to remove barriers to influenza immunization and signals the importance of preventing influenza across the entire population," the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a statement.
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Spring break revelers dance at the beach in the resort city of Cancun, Mexico Monday March 1, 2010. Cancun, Mexico's spring break king, is rebounding quickly from last year's triple blow to its tourism industry caused by the country's swine flu epidemic, drug violence and a global economic crisis. (AP Photo/Israel Leal)
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"If they want to base it on good evidence, they should wash their hands. I would also encourage them to write to their Congressman or Senator, asking them to put pressure on the U.S. government to run a proper trial and get an answer to whether these vaccines actually work." Tom Jefferson, epidemiologist, Cochrane Collaboration.
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News Flash
Malaysia confirms first swine flu death this year
KUALA LUMPUR — Malaysia's government has confirmed the country's first death linked to swine flu in nearly half a year.Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai says the 22-year-old woman died of respiratory...
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Mum dies of swine flu after birth of son
A young mum died from swine flu just weeks after giving birth to her son. Allison McCaffery, 26, developed flu symptoms during pregnancy which worsened following the birth of baby boy Jacob by...
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New inhaled drug protects from flu in single dose
The now-waning pandemic of H1N1 influenza sparked new interest in the development of better drugs to fight flu, which kills 250000 to 500000 people globally ...
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A/H1N1 passes peak in flu season: Health Ministry
The A/H1N1 influenza outbreak, which has killed nearly 800 people on the Chinese mainland, has passed its peak in the autumn-winter flu season, the Ministry of Health said Tuesday.
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Disclaimer: Newsletter ini hanya merupakan kumpulan dari artikel/liputan/tulisan yang diambil dari berbagai sumber mengenai situasi terkini pandemi influenza di seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia. Namun demikian isi/ilustrasi/foto tidak mewakili kepentingan atau kebijakan KOMNAS FBPI secara langsung
Newsletter 3 Maret 2010
New Issue
Social Stress May Enhance The Immune Response To Influenza Virus
( -- A new study using mice suggests that a repeated stressful situation that triggers the animals' natural “fight-or-flight” response may actually enhance their ability to fight disease when re-exposed to the same pathogen.
The study showed that the stressed mice had a 10-fold increase in their resistance to an influenza infection, and that this protection lasted at least up to three months after the stressful episodes.
While appearing to clash with years of findings that showed stressful situations can lower an individual’s immune response, the new work actually does not. Instead, it offers new insight into the fine balance the immune system maintains to protect against disease.
The report, carried in the current issue of the Journal of Immunology, describes new work emerging from Ohio State University’s Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research.
“Not all stress suppresses the immune system,” explained John Sheridan, professor of oral biology and associate director of the IBMR. “Some stressors actually give rise to enhanced immune responses.” […]
Read more:
Administration Of Influenza Vaccine To The Egg Allergic Child Under 36 Months
RATIONALE: To determine which population of egg allergic children (EAC) can safely receive the influenza vaccine (INF), and how to optimize testing and administration.
METHODS: A retrospective chart review from 10/2004 to 1/2009 of EAC ages 6-36 months seen in Allergy Clinic during influenza immunizationseason (10/1-2/28). EAC were identified with positive skin (ST) or RAST test to egg. EAC who did or did not receive INF or INF testing were evaluated.
Adverse events after INF were compared to a non-EAC control group of our patients given INF. We reviewed likelihood of receiving full testing (prick and intradermal (ID)), graded vaccine, or full vaccine to determine the best protocol.
RESULTS: 140 EAC were tested for INF and 53 EAC were not tested. Morbidities of asthma and anaphylaxis were no different in the 2 groups (p>.3). Likelihood of receiving ID prior to INF decreased over time from 100%-2% (p<.0001). Likelihood of receiving full INF vs graded INF increased with repeat dosing, 65%-87.5% (p<.0024).
5/140 tested EAC did not receive INF after positive STor ID to INF (3 with anaphylaxis), but 14/17 EAC with anaphylaxis received INF (2 with positive ST to flu, 9 negative, 3 not-performed). 135/140 received INF without significant complications (equivalent to non-EAC). 28/135 EAC were safely given INF without prior ST.
CONCLUSIONS: 96% of skin tested EAC safely received INF (76% ST negative, 23% ST positive); and 21% who received INF had no prior ST. 70% of all EAC received INF. EAC can safely receive INF. […]
Read more:
Everyone in U.S. should get flu vaccine: experts
By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Everyone in the United States over the age of six months should get seasonal influenza vaccines every year, federal vaccine advisers said on Wednesday.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices made the long-awaited vote to recommend virtually universal flu vaccination -- something public health experts have long recommended.
"The new recommendation seeks to remove barriers to influenza immunization and signals the importance of preventing influenza across the entire population," the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a statement.
Read more:
Spring break revelers dance at the beach in the resort city of Cancun, Mexico Monday March 1, 2010. Cancun, Mexico's spring break king, is rebounding quickly from last year's triple blow to its tourism industry caused by the country's swine flu epidemic, drug violence and a global economic crisis. (AP Photo/Israel Leal)
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"If they want to base it on good evidence, they should wash their hands. I would also encourage them to write to their Congressman or Senator, asking them to put pressure on the U.S. government to run a proper trial and get an answer to whether these vaccines actually work." Tom Jefferson, epidemiologist, Cochrane Collaboration.
Read more:
News Flash
Malaysia confirms first swine flu death this year
KUALA LUMPUR — Malaysia's government has confirmed the country's first death linked to swine flu in nearly half a year.Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai says the 22-year-old woman died of respiratory...
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Mum dies of swine flu after birth of son
A young mum died from swine flu just weeks after giving birth to her son. Allison McCaffery, 26, developed flu symptoms during pregnancy which worsened following the birth of baby boy Jacob by...
Read more:
New inhaled drug protects from flu in single dose
The now-waning pandemic of H1N1 influenza sparked new interest in the development of better drugs to fight flu, which kills 250000 to 500000 people globally ...
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A/H1N1 passes peak in flu season: Health Ministry
The A/H1N1 influenza outbreak, which has killed nearly 800 people on the Chinese mainland, has passed its peak in the autumn-winter flu season, the Ministry of Health said Tuesday.
Read more:
Disclaimer: Newsletter ini hanya merupakan kumpulan dari artikel/liputan/tulisan yang diambil dari berbagai sumber mengenai situasi terkini pandemi influenza di seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia. Namun demikian isi/ilustrasi/foto tidak mewakili kepentingan atau kebijakan KOMNAS FBPI secara langsung
Empat Tahun Komnas FBPI (Press Release)
Para menteri anggota Komnas FBPI menyatakan komitmen terhadap pengendalian flu burung/avian influenza dan penyakit berpotensi pandemi dengan memperluas lingkup kerja Komnas FBPI dan melanjutkan program-program andalannya yang berhasil dengan merumuskan pembentukan sebuah lembaga koordinasi.
Ketua Pelaksana Harian Komnas FBPI menyimpulkan bahwa selama Komnas FBPI menjalankan mandatnya sejak 13 Maret 2006, ditemui beberapa tantangan yaitu upaya penanggulangan flu burung masih pada langkah-langkah kedaruratan, belum berkesinambungan.
Dilain sisi, kesadaran masyarakat dalam penanggulangan wabah penyakit meningkat, dalam bentuk laporan dini dan langkah-langkah pencegahan. Hal ini merupakan pembuktian bahwa penanggulangan penyakit adalah tanggung jawab bersama antara pemerintah, masyarakat, dan swasta.Para menteri KIB II mengapresiasi kinerja dan prestasi Komnas FBPI (yang anggotanya merupakan jajaran menteri Kabinet KIB I) telah berhasil menurunkan angka kasus kematian manusia dari 45 kasus meninggal tahun 2006 menjadi hanya 19 kasus meninggal tahun 2009 dan kasus pada unggas, yang pada tahun 2004 terjadi sekitar 5 juta unggas mati, sementara di tahun 2009 hanya terjadi sekitar 50 ribu unggas mati karena flu burung.
Di ujung masa tugasnya, Komnas FBPI berhasil membebaskan Propinsi Kalimantan Barat dari status endemis flu burung.
Untuk itu Komnas FBPI merekomendasikan:
- Penanganan Flu Burung tetap perlu dilanjutkan bersama dengan pengendalian zoonosis lainnya secara keseluruhan. Untuk itu, perlu dibentuk Komite Nasional Zoonosis (Komnas Zoonosis) melalui Peraturan Presiden, sebagai suatu badan yang berada di Kementerian Pertanian dengan operasionalisasi tugas tetap berkoordinasi dengan kementerian-kementerian terkait khususnya yang berada dalam koordinasi Kementerian Koordinasi Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat.
- Untuk melanjutkan tugas-tugas mengenai Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapi Pandemi Influenza, diusulkan agar tugas tersebut berada dalam tanggung jawab Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB), yang juga dalam koordinasi Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat.
- Perlu dipromosikan pemikiran-pemikiran dan pendekatan sistim kesehatan terpadu diikuti langkah-langkah konkrit yang mengintegrasikan pemahaman atas saling keterkaitan antara kesehatan manusia – kesehatan hewan dan kesehatan lingkungan dengan mengikutsertakan para ahli dari berbagai bidang ilmu, termasuk ilmu sosial dan lingkungan hidup.
Dian Argarini
Bidang Komunikasi Komnas FBPI
HP: 0817788025
Twitter: @infoflu